Course Staff
The course consists of several workshops led by professors from European universities and creative companies, artists and inventors.
Daria Podmetina
Daria Podmetina Dr. Sc. (Tech.) is an associate professor at LUT University, Finland. In her research, she is interested in innovation and international management, specifically in open and collaborative innovation. Daria is an enthusiast of digital, creative, and innovative teaching methods. She coordinates ArtIST project which aims at integrating Arts in STEM education.
Adela-Cristina Toma
Adela combines handcrafted design, arts and the production of vegan food. Her Vienna based start-up peeese produces vegan products out of nuts which taste like cheese but contain no milk. Her products for the B2B market are small pieces of art. Her vegan and gluten-free rainbow ravioli bring the colours of the rainbow to your plates at home. Sounds like a contradiction? Yes- and this is where innovation often comes from.
Aart Strootman
Pioneering guitarist and composer Aart Strootman (1987) throws a solid knock on the door of the music business of our times. His intellect and frank, fresh view on musical genres and styles justify a most prominent position in the music scene. He studied classical guitar and composition at Conservatory Fontys & Zuyd and at the University of Utrecht he obtained a MA in Musicology.
Ger Post
Dr.Ir. Ger Post is a research-professor at Fontys University of Applied Sciences and holds a chair on Industrial Engineering & Entrepreneurship. The work of this research unit is focused on entrepreneurship, open innovation, technology adoption, and operational excellence. Next to his academic activities Ger is a musician and has been working in management consulting and business development for almost 20 years.
Michael Dell
Michael Dell is the founder and CEO of WARP INNOVATION, a Vienna based consulting company specialized in product development, innovation and innovation management, design thinking, and digital transformation. Michael is a MIT certified design thinker, defines himself as "chiefdisruptor", is active researcher and university lecturer.
Alberto Di Minin
Alberto Di Minin is a Full Professor of Strategy (Economia e Gestione delle Imprese) at the Institute of Management - Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, and Research Fellow with the Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy (BRIE, University of California Berkeley). His research and teaching deals with open innovation and business model innovation.
Arkadi Jeghiazaryan
Arkadi Jeghiazaryan is the CEO and Founder of AMLOGY, a Vienna-based young company in the field of Augmented reality which is a world market leader in the fields of web-AR and the use of AR in the field of education. Solution-oriented, passionate about people, and bringing digital transformation by widening access to new technology and making it easy to use.
Yvonne Kirkels
Dr. Yvonne Kirkels is a senior lecturer and researcher at Fontys University of Applied Sciences. She develops, coordinates, and teaches (open) innovation management courses and research methods in challenge-based education style. To stimulate interaction between research and education, she is leading in interdisciplinary collaborations with multiple business partners, other Fontys institutes, and universities.
Jasna Kovcin
Jasna Kovcin is a partner of WARP INNOVATION. She is a Certified Digital Transformation Expert and innovation enthusiast. She consults companies and public entities in these fields all over Europe. "Meaningfulness" and "fruitfulness" are her main concerns when it comes to innovation and digital solutions. She is also an active artist and designer.
Monika Petraitė
Monika Petraite is a Full Professor in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, at the School of Economics and Business, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania. Her interests are in technology entrepreneurship, strategy, and open innovation capabilities development via research and innovative pedagogies. She is also a mentor and an inspirational speaker to promote innovation leadership and entrepreneurship via TEDx talks, Leadership forums, and other platforms.
Aniko is a Vienna-based fashion designer, studied in France, worked for Sonia Rykiel and Christian Dior, has her own label(s) in Vienna, and collaborates also closely with industry for the development of functional clothing. Her ambition over the last 10 years is the digital transformation of the fashion industry and how to use innovation and digitization.
Alessandro Baticci
Passionate musician, inventor, entrepreneur, product designer, and sound artist, he acts cross-disciplinary and beyond categories, conceiving artistic work as the fusion of different domains of knowledge. He is co-founder of many internationally acclaimed musical realities, such as The Black Page Orchestra and the composer-performer Duo Nimikry.
Anne Berthinier-Poncet
Dr. Anne Berthinier-Poncet holds a Ph.D. in Strategic Management and is an associate professor at the CNAM in Paris, a lifelong learning university, where she is responsible of the Master in Innovation Management and Innovative Design. Her main research topics focus on the management of collaborative innovation in innovation ecosystems. She studies the governance and dynamics of innovation clusters, “third-spaces” (fab labs, maker spaces, corporate innovation labs, and coworking spaces), as well as innovation communities.
Antonio Crupi
Antonio Crupi is a Postdoctoral Research Assistant at the Institute of Management of Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies and Research Affiliate with the Strategic and Technology Innovation Management (STIM) at the Institute of Manufacturing of the University of Cambridge. Antonio holds a Ph.D. in Economics Statistics and Management. He has been Visiting Scholar at the Shanghai Jiao Tong University (CN) and Sogang University (KR). His research concerns Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Intellectual Property.
Csaba Deak
Dr. Csaba Deak, is a professor at University of Miskolc, Hungary. Between 2012-2014 he was is the deputy chairman of the National Innovation Office of Hungary. He is guest lecturer at Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, Romania and graduate faculty member at Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University. His research interests are in innovation management, project management, innovation systems, change and strategic management.
Contact person
If you have any questions please contact email.
Iulduz Khairullina
Iulduz Khairullina is a doctoral candidate in Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT, Finland) in department of Industrial Engineering and Management. She is interested in different aspects of online education. She is currently an assistant in Innovation, Creativity and Arts course.