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Innovation Management

This course is a collection of lectures about key topics on innovation management. It starts with basics of innovation management. After that, it focuses its critical components in each lecture: innovation strategy, innovation culture and innovation process. In the end, it concludes with an exam for certification. As planned, second module of this course will be published to provide more practical knowledge in the approach of “from idea to innovation”.

About This Course

The aim of this course is to provide a big picture of innovation management through a customer-oriented and organizational-wide approach. This course also combines theory and practice, for example “design thinking” is combined with “from ideation to production”.

The main themes of this course are: innovation as competitive advantage; methods of innovation management; technology management; design thinking; and the process of ideation to production.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, the learner is expected to be able to:

LO1. understand the concepts, dynamics and methods of innovation management.

LO2.understand the critical components driving the success of innovation.

LO3. understand the nature of the innovation process from ideation to launch.

Course Staff

Course Staff Image #1

Burak Kuzucu

Burak Kuzucu is a deep generalist aiming to cultivate deep experience and knowledge of technology, business and innovation. He always utilizes his passion for driving initiatives and his skills in developing business solutions with emerging technologies. His educational background is built on diverse and integrated pillars: graduated with honors degree in computer engineering, enriching his business vision with master’s degree in engineering management and finally achieving his doctorate degree in business administration.  He has more than 12 years of experience, covering software development, product management, business development and sales management. Currently he works for Oracle as client representative, in addition to managing initiatives for startup ecosystem and emerging technologies. Since 2018, he works as part-time instructor in Business administration program at MEF University and delivers the lectures of “Technology and Innovation Management” and “Data and Analytics Driven Business”.

Course structure

Module 1. Introduction to Innovation and Technology Management

Module 2. Getting Familiar with Concepts on Innovation and Technology

Module 3. Why Technology Matters for Innovation? And how?

Module 4. Technology for Innovation, and Innovation for Customer

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the flipped classroom setting work?

The flipped classroom included learning activities to be executed before-class, in-class, and after class:

Before-class (out-of-class activities): The aim of the activities before class is for the instructor to transfer information to the student. This is done by students completing pre-class activities which may include: thinking about a prior knowledge question; looking at key terms; watching a video; completing a graphic organizer; reading a text; answering quiz questions; engaging in an online discussion, and completing a homework assignment.

In-class: The aim of in-class activities is for students to put the information that they learnt before class into practice within the class. Classes start with a bridging activity, such as a quiz, to review the pre-class information. Then, in class the instructor provides student-centred, active learning activities which may include authentic projects, experiments, designs, presentations, and case studies. The instructor guides, assists, and gives feedback at this stage.

After-class (out-of-class activities): The aim of after class activities is for students to use additional ways of integrating their knowledge to reflect on what/why they are learning. Activities may involve reflecting on feedback and/or revising previous work.
